How to Add a basement Bathroom: 27 Ideas
You have a sub- floor in the house? You are lucky! Create a walk-shower or a bathroom in the basement and you will not regret it! If you are unsure if it is a good idea and how to do this right, our ideas will help. Adding a bathroom in the basement is a big complicated project. But that does not mean you can not do it. Thousands of DIYers successfully tackle the job every year, and you too, or you can always hire some people to help you.
Plan carefully
Think in terms of your future bathroom carefully about where you want to place a bathtub, where you have a shower, a toilet or a steam bath . Be careful that the next step is the plumbing and you will not be able to change a lot after.
Isolate And Do The Plumbing correctly
Isolate the bathroom of the basement correctly otherwise you will not be able to go there during the cold months. Make the plumbing correctly, if you hesitate you can do it, just hire plumbers.
Decorate your bathroom basement
After the most difficult part of the job is done, decide what colors you want here. Decorate according to the style you have chosen, but it is better to opt for light colors because they visually expand your bathroom and reflect the lights. Otherwise, opt for neutral or warm tones comfortable
There are many styles that you can try for your bathroom basement :. Modern, minimalist, rustic, industrial, retro, farm, rough stone, etc. - It is to your liking. Add accents depending on the chosen style. Brass retro bathrooms, pipes and industrial metals for industrial bathrooms, raw wood and stone for those inspired by nature
Be creative with decor, using different materials and textures that match your style: wood, metal, tiles and various fresh raw stone, are an oasis of relaxation in the basement. Find out where you'll place the lights and tie, do not forget to protect the water - it is not only the water after taking a shower, basement are often a little wet. Lights should be bright enough for you to feel comfortable, and again it is a way to expand the space, do not forget that basement often lack natural light, so it will not be enough.
Here, when the work is done, it's time to enjoy it, go there, lighting candles and relax in a tub or steam room.
white bathroom of marbelized basement
white bathroom design with a black and white floor
white neutral and works well in a basement
basement design room ultra-modern bathroom
under -sol traditional white bathroom
tiny bathroom with storage
super small bathroom set page with a shower and a toilet
serene bathroom neutral basement
sub room serene and airy ground
rough rustic is a perfect style for job
rustic decor is well within a sub -sol
rustic bathroom with some industrial touches
retro inspiration shower in the basement
retro-inspired design with cool furntiure
neutral colors work here aswell
neutral basement room of gray and brown bath
basement room white modern bathroom
basement room gray modern bathroom
basement room gray modern bathroom with a steam room
bathroom modern basement
inspiration marble basement room decor bath
marble basement bathroom
bathroom farmhouse style
bathroom dark need a lot of light to be comfortable but looks bad mood
beige also works
amber room modern décor
bathroomwhite is still a way to go
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