
Mini modern kitchen with all necessary

Mini modern kitchen with all necessary -
Modern Mini Kitchen With Everything Necessary

Today we do not have much space, especially if you live in a small apartment in a big city. The space-saving solutions are very popular because of it. Mini kitchen is a perfect idea for those who live in homes with limited space. But in the kitchen you need so many things: an oven, a sink, a refrigerator, a dishwasher, a table and so on. This project was presented by the Italian design team to Adriano Conti, Corrado Galzio and Alex Innamorati for the final exam of Product Design class at "La Sapienza" of Rome. The mini-kitchen has a cooking system, an oven, a washing machine vegetables, dishwasher, refrigerator and, of course, a little too pantry. The cleaning system uses compressed air for cleaning, steam for degreasing and UV rays for sterilization. It is not only functional but stylish, too! I guess these guys have managed to achieve the dream of everyone.

P.S. If you liked the idea of ​​this mini kitchen, but do not like its design check these compact kitchens for small spaces.

Modern Mini Kitchen With Everything Necessary
Modern Mini Kitchen With Everything Necessary
Modern Mini Kitchen With Everything Necessary
Modern Mini Kitchen With Everything Necessary
Modern Mini Kitchen With Everything Necessary
Modern Mini Kitchen With Everything Necessary
Modern Mini Kitchen With Everything Necessary
Source hometone, contidesign

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