
Is Incredible Style Roof Terrace Garden duplex New York

Is Incredible Style Roof Terrace Garden duplex New York -
Eastern Style Rooftop Terrace Of A New York Duplex

Imagine living in a big city , one of the largest in the world, and having a good place where nothing disturb you and you can relax. This penthouse duplex loft in prime Chelsea a rare private paradise garden at the top. Watch these fantastic seats, all in green! They are so comfortable and stylish! There are plants of different types and sizes, and the terrace looks like a tropical forest because of them. There is also a corner for sitting with friends under a shed - if abundant sunshine. fire bowls, Buddha figures, a more oriental fountain and some decorations make you feel like you're in Thailand. What an incredible space

Eastern Style Rooftop Terrace Of A New York Duplex
Eastern Style Rooftop Terrace Of A New York Duplex
Eastern Style Rooftop Terrace Of A New York Duplex
Source StreetEasy

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