
31 Fun Ideas for Bedding Designs Bold Boys Room

31 Fun Ideas for Bedding Designs Bold Boys Room -
31 fun and bold boys bedding ideas cover

Designing a children's room will not be completed without fresh bedding which continues the theme of space or at least looks corresponding with her. Today I want to share some ideas for cool boy bedding - your son are going to be excited

Sea and Beach-Inspired Bedding

sea, the beach, surfing and marine are among the most popular themes for boys rooms and therefore bedding boys. You can find bedding in all shades of blue, with navy stripes, surf boards, anchors, boats, ships, trains and so on. And do not forget the pirate theme! It also requires the reasons for the Navy. The combo colors and impressions depend on what your son prefers.

navy and blue printed bedding

navy blue and blue printed bedding

sea-inspired bedding

Sea inspiration bedding

seaside striped bedding

striped sea bedding

seaside-themed bedding

seaside-themed bedding

surf-inspired printed bedding

printed bedding surf-inspired

Geek Bedding

your son is a fan of Spider Man? He loves Star Wars? What will he say global Jurassic? If he has some favorite movies, comics, characters or else find a bed with such tests, and he will be surprised, you will not regret it!

Darth Vader bedding

bedding Darth Vader

Jurassic World bedding

Jurassic World bedding

Star Wars bedding

Star Wars bedding

Super Hero print bedding

super Hero print bedding

Graphic bedding

Graphic black and white bedding with a Scandinavian flavor is an excellent idea for both boys' or girls room, or for shared. It seems incredible is neutral and minimalist kind for any room or modern Scandi. If you think it's boring or dark, add some colorful pillows and voila!

black and white graphic Scandi bedding

black and white bedding graphic Scandi

graphic black and white bedding

black graphic and white bedding

graphic print black and white bedding

bedding graphic print in black and white

graphic print bedding

printed bedding graphic

Dinosaur bedding

This is one of the most popular options because most boys like these monsters. It can be bold stylized dino bedding that will make your son or laugh real dinosaur bedding feeling to excite. Of course, Jurassic fans worldwide will love!

black and white dino bedding

black and white dino bedding

colorful dinosaur bedding

colorful bedding dinosaurs

dino and geometric bedding

dino and geometric bedding

vehicles bedding

Cars, tractors, fire trucks and other vehicles are the most traditional prints for bedding for boys. It should most room boy themes, and will be surprised if he loves playing with toy cars and trucks (and most of the boys).

car print bedding

printing bedding car

tractor print bedding

tractor bedding d printing

printed bedding

Various prints will make your child watches bedding with interest and will go to fun and cool bed. So find some bold printed bedding with stripes, robots, tigers or ay other impressions that come to mind and you think they are appropriate for your son's room.

bold print bedding

bold print bedding

bold striped printed bedding

bold striped bedding printed

campground print  bedding

printing bedding camping

colorful robot bedding

colorful robot bedding

navy and grey bedding with a plane print

navy and gray bedding with a plan to print

printed bold bedding

printed bold bedding

printed kids bedding

printed children's bedding

teddy bear printed bedding
tiger print bedding

bedding print tiger

Bold printed bedding or neutral color - it's up to you and your son. bedding too fat or neon can prevent your child from falling asleep, be aware that the choice of bedding. If the neutral bedding seems too dark for you, it can still be applauded with fatty pillows or duvet.

neutral bedding

neutral bedding

neutral-colored bedding

neutral-colored bedding

printed and plain bedding

printed and plain bedding

striped grey neutral bedding

striped bedding neutral gray

Source :. Pinterest

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