
Shabby Chic design Terrace Victorian charm

Shabby Chic design Terrace Victorian charm -
Shabby Chic Terrace With Victorian Charm

If you think how to design your garden or back patio and still do not know here an alternative for those who love shabby chic in a Victorian style. Shabby chic style is based on the creation of a style of old things by changing or leaving like that. The terrace is lovely because of these things - an old mirror in a stunning setting, some busts, a basket with a long handle, pots and a bench. Harmony is created with the help of combination of white and green - green plants and many herbs and white furniture and accessories, pink flowers are added to make it tenderer. The variety of forms and shapes of green plants also brings originality

Shabby Chic Terrace With Victorian Charm
Shabby Chic Terrace With Victorian Charm
Shabby Chic Terrace With Victorian Charm
Shabby Chic Terrace With Victorian Charm
Shabby Chic Terrace With Victorian Charm
Shabby Chic Terrace With Victorian Charm
Shabby Chic Terrace With Victorian Charm
Shabby Chic Terrace With Victorian Charm
Source : design-remont, aysidetreasures-sandi

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